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Club meetings:

Club Meetings are held Tuesdays at 7:00PM Locations are to be determined.

  • Tue. Oct 15, 2024 (Vote on Xmas party location)

  • Tue. Nov, 19

  • Tue. Dec, 17

  • Tue. Jan, 14, 2025 (Final preparations for our Brat Feed) 

  • Tue. Feb 18

  • Tue. Mar 18 (Election of officers & club wrap-up for the year) 


Club Events:

  • Sat. Dec 7, 2024 (FATT Xmas party - Location TBD)

  • Sat. Jan 18, 2025 (Brat Feed 11a.m. - 3p.m. at our new Club Shed behind DBar)

  • Sat. Feb 1 (FATT Super Cash Raffle @ 8p.m. at Phat Bob's)

  • Wed, Feb 5 - 7 (Distance ride at Lakewood's Resort & Lodge, Cable WI) 


Day Club Rides are Saturdays - Dates to be determined

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